Two frameworks are employed to develop two distinct categories of multiaxial high cycle fatigue life assessment models for composite components experiencing general and random loading conditions. In this regard, the decay in the material properties with cycles is also taken into account. It is obvious that in multilayer components, the fatigue failure is a progressive process that may be accompanied by gradual or sudden changes in the material properties and, consequently, the resulting stresses. In addition to using the traditional progressive damage analyses, a new concept is proposed for tracing of the localized fatigue failures more accurately. It is postulated that generally, the stress components have distinct frequencies, phase shifts, and mean values that all vary with time in a random manner. The proposed fatigue criteria, especially, the equivalent-stress-based ones, are capable of predicting various fatigue failure modes, such as the fibre breakage, matrix cracking, and interfacial debonding. A special and comprehensive fatigue failure tracking and cycle counting algorithms that are capable of handling the mentioned general peculiarities are proposed. The proposed HCF criteria and the relevant fatigue life assessment algorithm are then implemented on a composite multilayer monoleaf spring of a realistic vehicle under a random field-measured loading condition, as a typical component, and the results are compared and the experimental results conducted by the authors, for accuracy investigations. The considered stochastic road inputs have been chosen on the basis of the consumption times and field measurements.
K E Y W O R D Scomposite mono-leaf spring, deterioration of the material, experimental results, new 3D HCF criteria, progressive fatigue-damage, realistic random load inputs