Given a field k of characteristic zero and an indeterminate T over k, we investigate the local behaviour at primes of k of finite Galois extensions of k arising as specializations of finite Galois extensions E/k(T ) (with E/k regular) at points t 0 ∈ P 1 (k). We provide a general result about decomposition groups at primes of k in specializations, extending a fundamental result of Beckmann concerning inertia groups. We then apply our result to study crossed products, the Hilbert-Grunwald property, and finite parametric sets. Recall that the latter is independent of the choice of P (up to k p -isomorphism). 1 2 JOACHIM KÖNIG, FRANÇ OIS LEGRAND, AND DANNY NEFTINExamples of Grunwald problems (G, (L (p) /k p ) p∈S ) with no solution L/k occur already for cyclic groups G, when S contains a prime of k lying over 2 [Wan48]. However, it is expected [Har07, §1] that, for solvable groups G, every Grunwald problem (G, (L (p) /k p ) p∈S ) has a solution, provided S is disjoint from some finite set S exc of "exceptional" primes of k, depending only on G and k. This is known when (1) G is abelian, and S exc is the set of primes of k dividing 2 [NSW08, (9.2.8)]; (2) G is an iterated semidirect product A 1 ⋊ (A 2 ⋊ · · · ⋊ A n ) of finite abelian groups, and S exc is the set of primes of k dividing |G|; see [Har07, Théorème 1] and [DLAN17, Theorem 1.1]; (3) G is solvable of order prime to the number of roots of unity in k, and S exc = ∅ [NSW08, (9.5.5)]; and (4) there exists a generic extension for G over k, and S exc = ∅ [Sal82, Theorem 5.9]. Among the above, the latter is the only method which applies to non-solvable groups. However, the family of non-solvable groups for which a generic extension is known is quite restricted, e.g., it is unknown whether the alternating group A n has a generic extension for n ≥ 6. See [JLY02] for an overview on generic extensions.The main source of realizations of non-solvable groups G over k is via k-regular Gextensions, that is, via G-extensions E/k(T ), where T is an indeterminate over k and k is algebraically closed in E. Indeed, by Hilbert's irreducibility theorem, every non-trivial k-regular G-extension E/k(T ) has infinitely many linearly disjoint specializations E t 0 /k, t 0 ∈ P 1 (k), with Galois group G. Many groups have been realized by this method; see, e.g., [MM99], and references within, as well as [Zyw14] for more recent examples.This specialization process provides a natural way to attack Grunwald problems for k-regular Galois groups, that is, for finite groups G admitting a k-regular G-extension of k(T ). Namely, given such an extension E/k(T ), it is natural to ask for the local behaviour of specializations E t 0 /k, t 0 ∈ P 1 (k). That is, which local extensions L (p) /k p , which local Galois groups Gal(L (p) /k p ), and which local degrees [L (p) : k p ] arise by completing the specialization E t 0 /k at primes p of k, when t 0 runs over P 1 (k)? For points t 0 ∈ P 1 (k) which are p-adically far from branch points of E/k(T ), this approach was deeply investigated by Dèbes ...