The objective of this study was to describe the arterial distribution of the hindfoot of the llama (Lama glama). Ten adult llamas, preserved in 6% formalin solution at 0 degree C, were dissected. The arterial system was perfused with a solution of 14% coloured plaster; the venous system was perfused with a solution of 17% coloured industrial gelatin. Angiographies were also obtained. In the llama, the arterial distribution is of the saphenous type and this simple sort of irrigation could be used as a didactic model. The caudal branch of the saphenous artery divides into the small lateral plantar artery and the larger medial plantar artery, which continues as the plantar common digital artery III, and it is the main blood supply of the hindfoot. The dorsal pedal artery is underdeveloped and the perforating tarsal artery does not exist in this species. The plantar common digital artery III divides into the plantar proper digital II, III and IV. Branches from the plantar proper digital artery III supply the digits. We compared the arterial distribution of the hindfoot of the llama with that of other domestic animals including the one-humped camel (Camelus dromedarius).