The subpulse drifting phenomenon in pulsar radio emission is considered within the partially screened inner gap model, in which the sub-Goldreich-Julian thermionic flow of iron ions or electrons coexists with the spark-associated electron-positron plasma flow. We derive a simple formula that relates the thermal X-ray luminosity L X from the sparkheated polar cap and the E < B subpulse periodicityP 3 (polar cap carousel time). For PSRs B0943+10 and B1133+16, the only two pulsars for which bothP 3 and L X are known observationally, this formula holds well. For a few other pulsars, for which only one quantity is measured observationally, we predict the value of the other quantity and propose relevant observations that can confirm or discard the model. Then we further study the detailed physical conditions that allow such partially screened inner gap to form. By means of the condition T c /T s > 1 (where T c is the critical temperature above which the surface delivers a thermal flow to adequately supply the corotation charge density, and T s is the actual surface temperature), it is found that a partially screened gap (PSG) can be formed given that the near surface magnetic fields are very strong and curved. We consider both curvature radiation (CR) and resonant inverse Compton scattering (ICS) to produce seed photons for pair production, and find that the former is the main agency to produce gamma rays to discharge the PSG.