Improving reliability is one of the most critical problems in power distribution networks. Optimal placement of automatic switches improves system reliability. Practical constraints such as maneuver points and the capacity of neighboring feeders are often overlooked. Reliability indices may also be improved by optimizing maneuver point locations considering the capacities of neighboring feeders. In this paper, a new perspective on the problem of recloser placement in the presence of switch disconnectors (sectionneurs) with the ability to disconnect under load is proposed. The limitations of transmission power capacity at maneuver points are also considered in the proposed method. In addition, by proposing a Markov model, the possibility of malfunction of reclosers is considered. The proposed method is applied to two case studies including Roy Billinton Test System (RBTS) and the real distribution network in Mazandaran, Iran. Real system data are collected during the years 2016–2021. The problem is solved for various scenarios. In the case of 12 fully reliable reclosers, taking into account the optimal maneuver points and without any capacity limitations, compared to the allocation of maneuver points at the endpoints of the feeders show a %4.37 increase in the reliability of the real system. Even by considering practical capacity limitations in the maneuver points, this improvement is %3.47. Also, the results show a %6.684 decrease in the system reliability by considering malfunction in the case of 12 reclosers. This underscores the importance of taking into account the reclosers malfunctions in optimal switch placement for better decision making in practice.