word count: 15 Text word count: 16 Abstract 24Coxsackievirus typically infects humans via the gastrointestinal tract, which has a 25 large number of microorganisms collectively referred to as the microbiota. To study how 26 the intestinal microbiota influence enteric virus infection, several groups have used an 27 antibiotic regimen in mice to deplete bacteria. These studies have shown that bacteria 28 promote infection with several enteric viruses. However, very little is known about 29 whether antibiotics influence viruses in a microbiota-independent manner. Here, we 30 sought to determine the effects of antibiotics on coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) using an in 31 vitro cell culture model in the absence of bacteria. We determined that an 32 aminoglycoside antibiotic, neomycin, enhanced plaque size of CVB3-Nancy strain. 33 Neomycin treatment did not alter viral attachment, translation, or replication. However, 34 we found that the positive charge of neomycin and other positively charged compounds 35 enhanced viral diffusion by overcoming the negative inhibitory effect of sulfated 36 polysaccharides present in agar overlays. Overall, these data lend further evidence that 37 antibiotics can play non-canonical roles in viral infections and that this should be 38 considered when studying enteric virus-microbiota interactions. 39 40 Importance 41 Coxsackieviruses primarily infect the gastrointestinal tract of humans, but they 42 can disseminate systemically and cause severe disease. Using antibiotic treatment 43 regimens to deplete intestinal microbes in mice, several groups have shown the 44 bacteria promote infection with a variety of enteric viruses. However, it is possible that 45 antibiotics have microbiota-independent effects on viruses. Here, we show that 46 an aminoglycoside antibiotic, neomycin, can influence quantification of coxsackievirus 47 in cultured cells in absence of bacteria.48 49 Introduction 50 Coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) is a cardiotropic nonenveloped RNA virus belonging 51 to the Enterovirus genus of the Picornaviridae family. CVB3 is an important human 52 pathogen, which can cause a wide range of diseases, including myocarditis, cardiac 53 arrhythmias, aseptic meningitis, type 1 diabetes, gastrointestinal distress, and death (1-54 5). CVB3 has been implicated in over 40,000 infections a year in the United States 55alone and there are no current treatments or vaccines for CVB3 infections (6).
56Within the gastrointestinal tract resides a microbial ecosystem of approximately 57 10 14 organisms, which play a crucial role in host homeostasis (7). The intestinal 58 microbiota can also influence infection with orally acquired enteric viruses (8-10).
59Alterations in microbiota, for example through antibiotic treatment, can influence enteric 60 pathogen susceptibility (8-10). However, not much is known about direct effects of 61 antibiotics on enteric viruses.
62Antibiotics can have a variety of microbiota-independent effects on mammalian 63 cells. Antibiotics can illicit profound changes in host gene e...