Multiferroic ErMn 2 O 5 nanorods have been synthesized via a surfactant-templated hydrothermal route.An environmentally friendly natural surfactant (Arabic gum) has been utilized as a template to prepare ErMn 2 O 5 nanorods with a controllable morphology and size (i.e., nanorods with various lengths and basically invariable diameter). ErMn 2 O 5 nanorods show strong size-dependent magnetic properties that correlate with: (a) a critical length for magnetization, and (b) recognizable divagation between FC and ZFC curves at low temperature. The former could be ascribed to the competition between surface strain and uncompensated spin at the surface, and the latter to Er antiferromagnetic ordering. Fig. 5 (a) Temperature dependent magnetization of ErMn 2 O 5 nanorods at different lengths, showing zero field cooling (ZFC) and field cooling (FC) curves at magnetic field, H = 500 Oe. (b)-(d) Expanded plots of ZFC and FC curves of ErMn 2 O 5 nanorods with an L of 175 nm, 68 nm, and 25 nm, respectively.