Quasiparticies of superconda~ctors can be manipulated either by irradiation or tunnel injection such that substantial changes of the gap (order parameter) occur which are most pronounced close to the transition temperature. These phenomena are investigated by a theory which is based on the combined system of the Boltzmann equation and the BCS gap equation. Several stationary, spatially homogeneous states are found in some range of temperatures. A linear stability analysis reveals two types of behavior, depending, essentially, on whether quasiparticle diffusion increases or decreases the stability. In a representative situation of the first type, two states turn out to be locally stable. An investigation of a nonlinear equation of motion for the order parameter leads to the conclusion that a first-order phase transition between these two states occurs at a g~!ven temperature. In a situation of the second type, one finds that fluctuations of a definite wave vector destroy the spatially homogeneous state and lead to a stable state of layered structure.