Primary cultures and membranes fractions from chick embryo retina bind iodinated a-bungarotoxin, a highly selective ligand for nicotinic acetylcholine receptors fromskeletal muscle and fishelectric organ. The binding issaturable with anequilibrium dissociationconstant (Kd) of0.75 i 0.09nM. The pseudo-first-order rate constant(k + , )for binding at 37°C is 1.76 x lo5 M-' s-', the dissociation rate constant (k,) at 37,'C is 1.15 x s-'. Nicotinic cholinergic ligands and local anaesthetics inhibit a-bungarotoxin binding. In the case of carbamoylcholine, the inhibition of binding depends on the time of exposure to this cholinergic agonist. a-Bungarotoxin has no effect on the carbamoylcholine-induced stimulation in sodium permeability of cultured retinal neurons. On sucrose density gradients containing Triton X-I 00, the toxin binding site sediments with an apparent sedimentation coefficient of 10.5 -11 S. Detergent-solubilized a-bungarotoxin receptor crossreacts with antisera raised against nicotinic acetylcholine receptors from Torpedo murmoruta. These results are interpreted as indicating that a-bungarotoxin binds to retinal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors without affecting cholinergic receptor function.During the past decade, the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor from fish electric organ and skeletal muscle has been extensively purified and characterized in several laboratories (for reviews see [I, 21). This progress has become possible mainly through the use of a-toxins from the venoms of various elapid snake species which are highly selective ligands for this protein.One of these toxins, a-bungarotoxin from Bungurus multirinctus, has been most commonly used and shown to block the function of the muscle and fish acetylcholine receptor by binding to the cholinergic ligand recognition site of the receptor protein [I -31.Binding sites for a-bungarotoxin of nicotinic specificity are also widely distributed in the peripheral and central nervous systems of both vertebrates and invertebrates (for review see [4]). The nature of these toxin binding sites, though otten referred to as neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, remains, however, unsolved since their identification as cholinergic receptors relies almost exclusively on pharmacological binding experiments. Both electrophysiological and sodiumflux studies on spinal cord and sympathetic neurons have shown that a-bungarotoxin is unable to antagonize the activation of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors [5 -101. As an important argument against the identity of the neuronal a-bungarotoxin binding protein with a nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, Patrick and Stallcup [7] reported that antibodies to the cholinergic receptor from Electrophorus electricus failed to recognize the detergent-solubilized a-bungarotoxin binding site of PC12, a rat phaeochromocytoma cell line. The same antibodies, however, were effective in blocking the function of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor present on these PC12 cells. Controversial observations suggesting a crossreactivity...