Abstract. We discuss the possibility of implementing axiomatic nonextensive statistics, where it is conjectured that the phase-space volume determines the (non)extensive entropy, on the particle production at NICA energies. Both Boltzmann-Gibbs and Tsallis statistics are very special cases of this generic (non)extensivity. We conclude that the lattice thermodynamics is ab initio extensive and additive and thus the nonextensive approaches including Tsallis statistics categorically are not matching with them, while the particle production, for instance the particle ratios at various center-of-mass energies, is likely a nonextensive process but certainly not of Tsallis type. The resulting freezeout parameters, the temperature and the chemical potentials, are approximately compatible with the ones deduced from Boltzmann-Gibbs statistics.PACS. 05.30.-d Quantum statistical mechanics -25.75.Dw Particle production in relativistic collisions -02.50.Cw Probability theory