Increased Hb concentration accompanying hypoxemia is a compensatory response to maintain tissue oxygen delivery (DO2). Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is used clinically to detect abnormalities in the balance of cerebral DO2 and consumption, including in children with congenital heart disease (CHD). Although NIRS-measured cerebral tissue O2 saturation (ScO2) correlates with SaO2, jugular bulb O2 saturation (SjbO2), and Hb, little data exists on the interplay between these factors and cerebral O2 extraction (COE). This study investigated the associations of ScO2 and ΔSaO2–ScO2 with SaO2 and Hb and verified the normal range of ScO2 in children with CHD.
Children undergoing cardiac catheterization for CHD were enrolled in a calibration and validation study of the FORE-SIGHT® NIRS monitor. Two pairs of simultaneous arterial and jugular bulb samples were drawn for co-oximetry, calculation of a reference ScO2 (REF CX), and estimation of COE. Pearson correlation and linear regression were used to determine relationships between O2 saturation parameters and Hb. Data were also analyzed according to diagnostic group defined as acyanotic (SaO2 ≥ 90%) and cyanotic (SaO2 < 90%).
Of 65 children studied, acceptable jugular bulb samples (SjbO2 absolute difference between samples ≤ 10%) were obtained in 57 (88%). The ΔSaO2–SjbO2, ΔSaO2–ScO2, and ΔSaO2−REF CX were positively correlated with SaO2 and negatively correlated with Hb (all P < 0.001). Although by diagnostic group ScO2 differed statistically (P = 0.002), values in the cyanotic patients were within the range considered normal (69 ± 6%). COE estimated by the difference between arterial and jugular bulb O2 content (ΔCaO2−CjbO2, mL O2/100 mL) was not different for cyanotic and acyanotic patients (P = 0.10), but estimates using ΔSaO2–SjbO2, ΔSaO2–ScO2, or ΔSaO2–ScO2/SaO2 were significantly different between the cyanotic and acyanotic children (P < 0.001).
Children with adequately compensated chronic hypoxemia appear to have ScO2 values within the normal range. The ΔSaO2–ScO2 is inversely related to Hb, with the implication that in the presence of reduced Hb, particularly if coupled with a decreased cardiac output, the ScO2 can fall to values associated with brain injury in laboratory studies.