We compute the complete spectrum of the displacement Hessian operator, which is obtained from the confined porous medium equation by linearization around its stationary attractor, the Barenblatt profile. On a formal level, the operator is conjugate to the Hessian of the entropy via similarity transformation. We show that the displacement Hessian can be understood as a self-adjoint operator and find that its spectrum is purely discrete. The knowledge of the complete spectrum and the explicit information about the corresponding eigenfunctions give new insights on the convergence and higher order asymptotics of solutions to the porous medium equation towards its attractor.More precisely, the inspection of the eigenfunctions allows to identify symmetries in R N with flows whose rates of convergence are faster than the uniform, translation-governed bound. The present work complements the analogous study of Denzler & McCann for the fast-diffusion equation.Solutions to (1) feature different phenomena depending on the degree of the nonlinearity ρ m . In the case m = 1, equation (1) is the ordinary diffusion (or heat) equation. For 0 < m < 1, the diffusion flux mρ m−1 diverges as ρ vanishes and thus, for suitable initial data, the solution spreads over the whole R N immediately. In this situation, equation (1) is often called the fast diffusion equation. In the porous-medium range m > 1, the diffusion flux increases with the density and degenerates where ρ = 0. Consequently, solutions will preserve a compact support and hence this type of propagation goes by the name slow diffusion. In the present paper, we restrict our attention exclusively to the latter case. For a study of the fast diffusion equation and more general evolutions of porous-medium type, we refer to Vázquez [31] and references therein.The Cauchy problem for the porous medium equation is solved in various settings. As the equation is degenerate parabolic, that is, it is parabolic only where the solution is positive, solutions are in general not classical. More precisely, if the initial datum is zero in some open subset of R N , then there is a slowly propagating free boundary that separates the region where the solution is positive $ The author acknowledges support through NSERC grant 217006-08.