“…/2, half-wave plate; PBS1-2, polarizing beam splitter cube; SPP1-2, spiral phase plates; /4, quarter-wave plate; L1-5, lenses; M1-2, mirrors; BiBO, nonlinear crystal for frequency doubling; MLA, microlens array; S, wavelength separator; CCD, CCD camera. A 1.2 mm long and 4 x 8 mm 2 in aperture bismuth borate (BiBO) crystal [17], cut for type-I (e + e → o) frequency doubling in optical yz-plane (Φ = 90°) with internal angle of θ = 168.5° at normal incidence, is placed at the Fourier plane for second harmonic generation (SHG) of vortex arrays at 1064 nm into green at 532 nm. The frequency doubled vortex array is extracted from the undepleted pump using a wavelength separator, S, and imaged at the CCD camera palne using lenses, L4 and L5.…”