The radio frequency detection system on the KSTAR tokamak has exceptionally high spectral and temporal resolution. This enables measurement of previously undetected fast plasma phenomena in the ion cyclotron range of frequencies. Here we report and analyse a novel spectrally structured ion cyclotron emission (ICE) feature in the range 500 MHz to 900 MHz, which exhibits chirping on sub-microsecond timescales. Its spectral peaks correspond to harmonics l of the proton cyclotron frequency f cp at the outer midplane edge, where l = 20-36. This frequency range exceeds estimates of the local lower hybrid frequency f LH in the KSTAR deuterium plasma. The new feature is time-shifted with respect to a brighter lower-frequency chirping ICE feature in the range 200 MHz (8f cp ) to 500 MHz (20f cp ), which is probably driven (Chapman et al 2017 Nucl. Fusion 57 124004) by 3 MeV fusion-born protons undergoing collective relaxation by the magnetoacoustic cyclotron instability (MCI). Here we show that the new, fainter, higher-frequency chirping ICE feature is driven by nonlinear wave coupling between different neighbouring spectral peaks in the lower-frequency ICE feature. This follows from bispectral analysis of the measured KSTAR fields, and of the field amplitudes output from particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations of the KSTAR edge plasma containing fusionborn protons. This reinforces the identification of the MCI as the plasma physics process underlying proton harmonic ICE from KSTAR, while providing a novel instance of nonlinear wave coupling on very fast timescales.