For the development of a totally implantable ventricular assist system (VAS), we have been developing the vibrating flow pump (VFP), which can generate oscillated blood flow with a relative high frequency (10-50 Hz) for a totally implantable system. In this study, the effects of left ventricular assistance with this unique oscillated blood flow were analyzed by the use of nonlinear mathematics for evaluation as the whole circulatory regulatory system, not as the decomposed parts of the system. Left heart bypasses using the VFP from the left atrium to the descending aorta were performed in chronic animal experiments using healthy adult goats. The ECG, arterial blood pressure, VFP pump flow, and the flow of the descending aorta were recorded in the data recorder during awake conditions and analyzed in a personal computer system through an A-D convertor. By the use of nonlinear mathematics, time series data were embedded into the phase space, the Lyapunov numerical method, fractal dimension analysis, and power spectrum analysis were performed to evaluate nonlinear dynamics. During left ventricular assistance with the VFP, Mayer wave fluctuations were decreased in the power spectrum, the fractal dimension of the hemodynamics was significantly decreased, and peripheral vascular resistance was significantly decreased. These results suggest that nonlinear dynamics, which mediate the cardiovascular dynamics, may be affected during left ventricular (LV) bypass with oscillated flow. The decreased power of the Mayer wave in the spectrum caused the limit cycle attractor of the hemodynamics and decreased peripheral resistance. Decreased sympathetic discharges may be the origin of the decreased Mayer wave and fractal dimension. These nonlinear dynamic analyses may be useful to design optimal VAS control.