Photons of a laser beam driving the upper motional sideband of an optomechanical cavity can decay into photon-phonon pairs by means of an optomechanical parametric process. The phononic state can subsequently be mapped to a photonic state by exciting the lower sideband, hence creating photon-photon pairs out of an optomechanical system. Here we show that these pairs can violate a Bell inequality when they are measured with photon counting techniques preceded by small displacement operations in phase space. The consequence of such a violation as well as the experimental requirements are intensively discussed. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.070405 Introduction.-Cavity optomechanics, which describes a mechanical oscillator controlled by an electromagnetic cavity mode via a generalized radiation pressure force, is the subject of intense research [1][2][3]. Most recent progress includes the cooling of mechanical oscillators down to the ground state [4][5][6], the readout of the mechanical position with a readout imprecision below the standard quantum limit [7] as well as optomechanical squeezing [8,9] and entanglement [10]. Reciprocally, the mechanical degrees of freedom can be used to control the cavity light, e.g., for fast and slow light [11,12], frequency conversions [13,14], squeezing [15], and information storage in long-lived mechanical oscillations [10,16].Optomechanical systems are also envisioned as test benches for physical theories [17][18][19][20][21][22][23]. As a step in this direction, quantum correlations between light and mechanics have been observed recently [10]. In this experiment, quantum features have been detected through an entanglement witness where one assumes that the measurement devices are well characterized and where quantum theory is used to predict the results of these measurements on separable states. It is interesting to wonder whether the nonclassical behavior of optomechanical systems can be certified outside of the quantum formalism, i.e., from a Bell test [24]. This is particularly relevant to test postquantum theories including explicit collapse models [25][26][27][28], where the assumption that the system behaves quantum mechanically may be questionable [29].In this Letter, we show how to perform such a Bell test in the experimentally relevant weak-optomechanical coupling and sideband-resolved regime. Our proposal, which starts with a mechanical oscillator close to its ground state, consists of two steps. First, the optomechanical system is excited by a laser tuned to the upper motional sideband of the cavity to create photon-phonon pairs via optomechanical parametric conversion. Second, a laser resonant with