Experimental evidence is reported for the efficient H " formation in UV laser irradiated H2.PACS numbers: 34.80. Qb, 34.50.Rk, Only the lowest vibrational level (v=0) of the ground electronic state X 'z/ of H2 is populated at room temperature ( -300 K); for slow electrons, the electron attachment cross section for this state has a peak value of ~1.6xl0~2 1 cm 2 (rate constant -10~1 4 cm 3 s _1 ) at 3.75 eV electron energy [1]. However, the electron attachment cross section was shown to increase rapidly with increasing vibrational energy, and an enhancement of more than 4 orders of magnitude was observed for the v = 4 level [2,3]. Recent extended calculations [4,5] show that the maximum electron attachment rate constant approaches 10~8 cm 3 s _1 around v = 8. As for electron attachment to electronically excited states of H2, the only available study is a calculation [6] for the metastable c 3 n w state which predicts about 3 orders of magnitude enhancement for this state compared to the ground state A^Z+Cv-O).In this Letter, we report efficient H ~ formation in laser-irradiated H2. Free electrons produced via laser photoionization convert to H~ ions via attachment to electron attaching species produced by the same laser pulse; however, the identity of these electron attaching species remains unclear and we will discuss several possibilities.Besides its basic significance, the present observations could be significant for the development of a negative ion source for the generation of neutral beams for magnetic fusion research and other applications [7]. It is possible that the present scheme is more efficient compared to a low-pressure H2 discharge [8] as a H ~ source.The technique and the experimental apparatus have been described earlier [9,10]. Briefly, the gas under study (in the present case a few Torr of H2) is irradiated with a UV laser pulse; the attaching electrons are produced via (multiphoton) ionization, some of which are converted to negative ions. The negative ions and the unattached electrons are separated from positive ions resulting from photoionization using a three-electrode configuration [9]: The laser pulse propagates between two of the electrodes and the negative or positive charges produced in the interaction region are extracted to the adjoining detection region through a grid in the middle electrode by applying appropriately oriented electric fields in the two regions. In the "negative mode," the signal components due to the unattached electrons and the negative ions can be distinguished since they travel to the detection region with different (drift) velocities; a "break" in the signal wave form could easily be seen (see Fig. 5 of [10]) when the total pressure in the chamber exceeds -0.1 kPa.In the present experiments, transitions to energies above the ionization threshold of H2 were accomplished via three different schemes that have been employed in traditional resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) studies [a (m + n) REMPI process indicates the population of a resonant state w...