In this article, similarity reductions of the (2+1)-dimensional Bogoyavlenskii-Schieff equation of higher order have been done by Lie group method. We have determine the geometric vector field, infinitesimal generators, symmetric groups, and commutator table of Lie algebra with the help of Lie symmetry analysis. The new close form solutions and similarity solutions of the (2+1)-dimensional Bogoyavlenskii-Schieff equation of higher order have been determined from the reduction equations. Also, the conservation laws have been derived by invoking the new conservation theorem proposed by Ibragimov. KEYWORDS (2 + 1)-dimensional Bogoyavlenskii-Schieff equation, conservation laws, infinitesimal generator, Lie symmetry analysis, symmetry reductions MSC CLASSIFICATION 70H33; 35L65; 35G20 Math Meth Appl