We compare the observed strong saturation of the free-carrier absorption in n-type semiconductors at 300 K in the terahertz ͑THz͒ frequency range when single-cycle pulses with intensities up to 150 MW/ cm 2 are used. In the case of germanium, a small increase in the absorption occurs at intermediate THz pulse energies. The recovery of the free-carrier absorption was monitored by time-resolved THz pump-THz probe measurements. At short probe delay times, the frequency response of germanium cannot be fitted by the Drude model. We attribute these unique phenomena of Ge to dynamical overpopulation of the high mobility ⌫ conduction-band valley. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.81.035201 PACS number͑s͒: 78.47.JϪ, 71.55.Cn, 72.20.Ht The dynamics of hot carriers are influenced by interactions among carriers and between carriers and the host crystal lattice. Ultrafast optical and near-infrared ͑near-IR͒ spectroscopy, including pump-probe measurements, have provided extensive information about carrier and quasiparticle dynamics in semiconductors.1 These dynamics mediate the performance of many ultrafast electronic and optoelectronic devices.In typical ultrafast pump-probe experiments, hot carriers are created by optical band-to-band transitions with photon energies exceeding the band gap. The dynamics of the carriers after the excitation can be followed by optical or terahertz ͑THz͒ probe pulses.2-4 However, this method has limitations for investigation of carrier dynamics since both holes and electrons are created at the same time and carriers are usually created in a small region near the sample surface. Consequently, it is difficult to investigate single-component carriers in bulk materials by optical excitation.Recently, the development of high-energy tabletop THz pulse sources 5,6 has enabled nonlinear transmission studies on semiconductors 7-9 as well as measurements with THz pump and near-IR ͑Ref. 10͒ or mid-IR ͑Ref. 11͒ probe pulses. Using THz field strengths on the order of tens of kilovolt per centimeter, ultrafast dynamics of impurities, 7 excitons, 10 and polarons 11 in GaAs and GaAs heterostructures have been revealed.In this paper, we demonstrate the application of THz pump-THz probe measurements to the study of intervalley and intravalley dynamics of hot free electrons in three prototype semiconductors: Ge, Si, and GaAs. The THz peak field strengths used in these experiments reached values of 150 kV/cm, comparable to those in nonlinear semiconductor devices such as Gunn diodes and tunnel diodes. Electron heating by the THz pump pulse imparts on the order of 1 eV energy to the electrons, enabling a large fraction of the electrons to undergo intervalley scattering from the initial lowest-energy conduction-band valley into side valleys.Because of the strong interaction of free carriers with THz radiation it is also possible to use single-cycle THz pulses as a tool to monitor changes in carrier mobility and scattering rates. [2][3][4] Since the values for carrier mobility in side valleys are usually very different from...