This paper considers discrete mass-spring structure identification in a nonlocal continuum spacefractional model, defined as an optimization task. Dynamic (eigenvalues and eigenvectors) and static (displacement field) solutions to discrete and continuum theories are major constituents of the objective function. It is assumed that the masses in both descriptions are equal (and constant), whereas the spring stiffness distribution in a discrete system becomes a crucial unknown. The considerations include a variety of configurations of the nonlocal parameter and the order of the fractional model, which makes the study comprehensive, and for the first time provides insight into the possible properties (geometric and mechanical) of a discrete structure homogenized by a space-fractional formulation.Recently, the application of fractional calculus (FC) in mechanics for describing scale effects (in a broad sense [1]) has gained considerable attention; such concepts are called fractional mechanics (FM). FM formulations exist that describe the following materials: polymers [2], granular soils [3-7], silts [8], granites [9], biological tissues [1,10], metals [6,11], and silicon [12]. FC introduces a continuum-type description through the definition of the fractional derivative (FD) (derivative of an arbitrary order [13-16]), revealing certain hidden aspects of the discrete nature of the phenomena analysed. Furthermore, FC has an indisputable attribute, namely, that FC provides an infinite number of possible FD realizations [17,18]; thus we can identify a specific type of FD depending on the experimental evidence.An important family of FM concepts includes formulations where, in classic continuum mechanics (CCM) theory, the integer differential operators acting on a spatial variable are replaced by fractional operators; such models are called space-fractional continuum mechanics (s-FCM) [19][20][21][22][23][24][25]. The physical interpretation of s-FCM is that FD homogenizes, in a phenomenological sense, the underlying microstructure [26]; thus, the scale effect is included within FC, and the s-FCM model is nonlocal. Nevertheless, to the best of our knowledge no one has answered the following question: Is there a discrete structure that is homogenized by s-FCM?.In this paper, we provide the answer to the above question by identifying a discrete mass-spring structure, whose behaviour (static and dynamic) is mapped with high precision by an s-FCM approach. Such a concept is a kind of inverse problem to recent trends in physics/mechanics on the study of continualization techniques, such as the Taylor series-based method or the shift operator expansion method [27][28][29]. The overall problem is defined as a 1D optimization task with several variables (altogether approximately 2.5 million analyses were conducted). Furthermore, the considerations include a variety of configurations of the non-local parameter and the order of the fractional model (altogether twenty discrete spring-mass structures were identified), which makes the s...