DOI: 10.1088/0741-3335/51/12/124026
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Nonlocal transport in the reversed field pinch

Abstract: Several heuristic models for nonlocal transport in plasmas have been developed, but they have had a limited possibility of detailed comparision with experimental data. Nonlocal aspects introduced by the existence of a known spectrum of relatively stable saturated tearing modes in a low current reversed field pinch offers a unique possibility for such a study. A numerical modelling of the magnetic structure and associated particle transport is carried out for the reversed-field pinch experiment at the Consorzio… Show more

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Cited by 35 publications
(32 citation statements)
References 45 publications
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“…At low collisions D SHAx < D DAx ( D mh , virtually neoclassical: the shaded regions correspond to the typical H þ ion collisionality ranges found in experimental QSH and MH states. The larger D DAx is consistent with residual chaos which is found in the vicinity of the separatrix in the transition from QSH to MH, while in the fully chaotic state the inverse dependence on collisions is expected in transport dominated by Lévy flights [18,20]. Our main point is that D SHAx / consistent with a banana-dominated (BN) transport [13], therefore not showing the 1= behavior typical of the superbanana (SB) branch [see Fig.…”
confidence: 68%
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“…At low collisions D SHAx < D DAx ( D mh , virtually neoclassical: the shaded regions correspond to the typical H þ ion collisionality ranges found in experimental QSH and MH states. The larger D DAx is consistent with residual chaos which is found in the vicinity of the separatrix in the transition from QSH to MH, while in the fully chaotic state the inverse dependence on collisions is expected in transport dominated by Lévy flights [18,20]. Our main point is that D SHAx / consistent with a banana-dominated (BN) transport [13], therefore not showing the 1= behavior typical of the superbanana (SB) branch [see Fig.…”
confidence: 68%
“…1 we evaluate the steady state distributions nðc p Þ by fixing source and sink in a fixed domain [18]. Lost particles are reinserted at the center with uniform pitch (¼ normalized parallel velocity ¼ v k =v).…”
confidence: 99%
“…For electrons, D e is of the order 10 m 2 /s, which is a typical value in a stochastic magnetic field. 51 Therefore, D e ) D i everywhere, but D e depends also strongly on u: there is one order of magnitude difference between the OP and the XP, from 4 to 40 m 2 /s. This, on the one hand quantifies the effect of the ergodic fingers; on the other hand, it shows a strong dependence of D e on the parent magnetic resonance associated with chaos.…”
Section: Test-particle Simulationsmentioning
confidence: 97%
“…Figure 15 shows the time dependence of P Since the phase space of particle trajectories is not far above stochastic threshold, random phase approximations for the transport cannot be expected to be correct. In a similar situation in the reversed field pinch, where chaos was present but not at a level well above threshold, the transport was found to be subdiffusive [36,37], dominated by a spectrum of Levy flights, and described by a nonlocal Montroll equation. In a future publication we will report the results of applying the techniques used in those publications to the present problem.…”
Section: Stochastic Webmentioning
confidence: 88%