We report results of experiments at large Reynolds numbers, confirming the equivalent form of the Kolmogorov 4 / 5 law obtained recently by Hosokawa ͓Prog. Theor. Phys. 118, 169 ͑2007͔͒. This, as well as purely kinematic exact relations, demonstrates one of the important aspects of nonlocality of turbulent flows in the inertial range and stands in contradiction with the sweeping decorrelation hypothesis understood as statistical independence between large and small scales. This letter is provoked by a short paper by Hosokawa 1 concerned mainly with the issues of refined similarity hypothesis. A starting point in his paper is that it is proven that the famous third-order structure function of the velocity in homogeneous isotropic turbulence derived by Kolmogorov implies the statistical interdependence of the difference and sum of the velocities at two points separated by a distance r. 1 In other words, contrary to frequent claims on locality of interactions and similar things, the 4 / 5 law points to an important aspect of nonlocality of turbulent flows understood as direct and bidirectional interaction of large and small scales. 2,3 Before proceeding, we quote the key relations obtained by Hosokawa.The first relation, the most important and equivalent ͑un-der the same assumptions of global isotropy͒ to the 4 / 5 law, reads ͗u + 2 u − ͘ = ͗⑀͘r/30. ͑1͒Here 2u + = u 1 ͑x + r͒ + u 1 ͑x͒, 2u − = u 1 ͑x + r͒ − u 1 ͑x͒; u 1 ͑x͒ is the longitudinal velocity component ͑in our case it will be just the streamwise velocity component͒ and ͗⑀͘ is the mean dissipation. It is noteworthy that though Eq. ͑1͒ contains velocity and not just its increments, it is readily checked that it is still Galilean invariant. We would like to emphasize that the relation ͑1͒-though formally equivalent to the Kolmogorov 4 / 5 law-has an important advantage from purely experimental point of view. Namely, it is linear in velocity increment u − , whereas the 4 / 5 law is cubic in u − . Therefore, the precision requirements for the verification of the relation ͑1͒ are far less stringent than those for the 4 / 5 law. We will return to this point below.The relation ͑1͒ is a consequence of the 4 / 5 law and a purely kinematic relation which is valid under isotropy assumptionwhich is a clear indication of the absence of statistical independence between u + and u − , i.e., between small and large scales.A similar purely kinematic relation is valid for secondorder quantities, 1Thus this is also-as stated by Hosokawa 1 -an elementary signature indicating the necessary statistical relationship between u + and u − , i.e., reflecting the nonlocality even at the level of second-order quantities. One more kinematic relation of third order was obtained by Sabelnikov in 1994,along with another set of kinematic relations involving a one-point quantity u 1 ͑x͒ ͓or u 1 ͑x + r͔͒ instead of u + , which is a two-point quantity. 5 The main purpose of this note is to present direct experimental evidence for the validity of the above relations ͑1͒-͑4͒ at very large Rey...