“…Calculation of the thermodynamic and surface characteristics of SnO 2 thin films at all temperatures was carried out using MERA software with periodic boundary conditions along a and b axes of SnO 2 unit cell like it was described in [18,19] and applied in studying organic, inorganic and combined systems in [18 -36]. The MOPS algorithm has also shown previous successful use in modeling oxyhydrate gel formation [18 -36], crystal structures of triosmium clusters [20,21], complexation of organic molecules during chemical reactions [22,24,28,33,35], and crystal structures and interaction energies of gas hydrates [18,19]. The measured energies, thermodynamic characteristics (such as enthalpies, entropies, and Gibbs free energies), modeled structures of the complexes, crystals, and clusters, predicted yields, rates, and regio-and stereo-specificity of the reactions, and predicted yields, rates, and regio-and stereo-specificity of the reactions were all in good agreement with experimental results previously stated in the publications mentioned above.…”