In this paper we consider a semimartingale model for the evolution of the price of a financial asset, driven by a Brownian motion (plus drift) and possibly infinite activity jumps. Given discrete observations, the Threshold estimator is able to separate the integrated variance IV from the sum of the squared jumps. This has importance in measuring and forecasting the asset risks. In this paper we provide the exact speed of convergence ofÎ V h , a result which was known in the literature only in the case of jumps with finite variation. This has practical relevance since many models used have jumps of infinite variation (see e.g.
Carr et al. (2002) [4]).We consider a semimartingale (X t ) t∈[0,T ] , defined on a (filtered) probability space (Ω , (F t ) t∈[0,T ] , F, P) with paths in D([0, T ], R), the space of càdlàg functions, driven by a (standard) Brownian motion W and a pure jump Lévy process L:where a, σ are any adapted càdlàg processes such that (1) admits a unique strong solution X on [0, T ] which is adapted and càdlàg [7]. L has Lévy measure ν and may be decomposed as *