The regression of the pronephric kidney of the lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, is described using histochemical and ultrastructural techniques. Regression begins in the third year of larval life, and by the time the animal enters metamorphosis the tubules have all disappeared. The nephrostomes and the renal corpuscle, however, persist for the remainder of the life cycle and undergo little change in the larva. Iron is present within the tubular epithelium prior to the beginning of degeneration, but as degeneration proceeds iron is observed within the tubule lumina. Acid phosphatase is noted within the tubule epithelia prior to degeneration, but as degeneration proceeds acid phosphatase is also observed within the intertubular area. Features of tubular regression include a prominent and highly folded basal lamina, numerous cytoplasmic inclusions, and dense bodies in the epithelia and lumina. The intertubular region is invaded by lymphocytes, granulocytes, plasma cells, and macrophages. The process of pronephric regression possesses many features of the process of apoptosis, which has been noted in the regression of larval organs in other vertebrates.