It is known that barotropic FRW equations written in the conformal time variable can be reduced to simple linear equations for an exponential function involving the conformal Hubble rate. Here, we show that an interesting class of barotropic universes can be obtained in the linear limit of a special type of nonlinear dissipative Ermakov-Pinney equations with the nonlinear dissipation built from Chiellini's integrability condition. These cosmologies, which evolutionary are similar to the standard ones, correspond to barotropic fluids with adiabatic indices rescaled by a particular factor and have amplitudes of the scale factors inverse proportional to the adiabatic index.
I. THE FRW BAROTROPIC OSCILLATORIn conformal time η, the scale factors of the FRW barotropic universes, a(η), assuming normalized-to-unit amplitude, have the following simple expressionswhereγ = 3γ/2 − 1 with γ the adiabatic index, and η 0 an arbitrary constant. The caseγ = 0 should be treated separately and does not enter the considerations in the following. The scale factors in (1) correspond to the three cases of the curvature index κ, i.e., κ = −1 for an open universe, κ = 0 for a flat universe, and κ = 1 for a closed universe, and have entered textbooks since several decades [1][2][3]. They can be obtained by integrating the following second order nonlinear differential equation in conformal timewhich is obtained from the comoving Einstein-Friedmann dynamical equations after performing the change dt = adη from comoving to conformal time, and making usage of the barotropic equation of state p = (γ − 1)ρ.Furthermore, by using H = a ′ /a, where H is the Hubble parameter in conformal time, one can transform (2) to the Riccati equation