Summary: Deterministic chaos offers a striking explanation for apparently irregular behavior of the brain that is evidenced in the EEG. Recent developments in the physical-mathematical framework of the theory of nonlinear dynamics (colloquially often termed chaos theory) provide new concepts and powerful algorithms to analyze such time series. Because of its high versatility, nonlinear time series analysis has already gone beyond the physical sciences and, at present, is being successfully applied in a variety of disciplines, including cardiology, neurology, psychiatry, and epileptology. However, it is well known that different influencing factors limit the use of nonlinear measures to characterize EEG dynamics in a strict sense. Nevertheless, when interpreted with care, relative estimates of, e.g., Despite rapid advances in neuroimaging techniques (see ref. 1 for an overview), EEG recordings continue to play an important role in diagnosis of epilepsy. To extract relevant information from long-term EEG recordings, a variety of computerized analysis methods have been developed ( 2 4 ) . Most methods are based primarily on the assumption that EEG is generated by a highly complex linear system, resulting in characteristic signal features such as nonstationarity or unpredictability (5-7). On the other hand, EEG signals can be interpreted as the output of a deterministic system of relatively simple complexity but containing highly nonlinear elements. It has been shown that nonlinear dynamical systems, with at least three degrees of freedom, might exhibit chaotic behavior, thus becoming unpredictable over a long time scale (8). The assumption of reduced complexity is even more valid in the case of neurons or neuronal networks that participate in the epileptogenic process, taking into account elementary mechanisms underlying epilepsy @,lo). Various investigations have shown that applying nonlinear time series analysis (NTSA) to recordings of brain electrical activity offers new information about the complex dynamics of underlying neuronal networks (see refs. 11-1 3 for an overview). Within this physical-mathematical framework, a variety of measures allow characterization of different static and dynamical properties of a time series (14,15). The Lyapunov exponents (16,17) provide a measure for the degree of chaoticity and the correlation dimension (1 8) describes the number of degrees of freedom of the underlying dynamics. The latter and the Kolmogorov entropy (19) estimate the degree of ordeddisorder and thus of the complexity of a dynamic system. In a strict sense, well-known problems in extracting nonlinear measures from short, noisy, and nonstationary data would exclude the use of these measures for characterization of EEG dynamics. However, if interpreted with care, e.g., only relative measures with respect to time and recording site are assumed reliable, results of various investigations now provide converging evidence that information supplied by NTSA is superior to conventional parametric or nonparametric analys...