For solving problems of the theory of elasticity using nonlinear models, the question of the convexity of the potential used and the proof of the uniqueness of the solution are of decisive importance. The present work is devoted to the determination of conditions for the local strict convexity of the potential for the nonlinear elasticity model, which ensure the uniqueness of the solution to the problem in a sufficiently small neighborhood of the desired solution. The considered model is a generalization of a scalar nonlinear rheological model of brittle solid deformation for the case of the tensor damage parameter, the principal values of which describe the reduction in the cross-sectional area of the material in three orthogonal directions. An additional term of the second order in deformation in the elastic potential makes it possible to describe the dependence of the elastic moduli on the type of the stress-strain state, the dilatancy of the material under shear deformation, as well as the nonlinear deformation response even at low loads. The introduced damage tensor of the second rank makes it possible to describe the damage-induced anisotropy of the elastic properties of the material. Conditions of local strict convexity in the principal axes of the strain tensor are obtained in this work for the general case of misaligned strain and damage tensors. To illustrate the obtained convexity conditions, two special cases of the damage tensor type are considered: a transversely isotropic fractured medium with coaxial strain and damage tensors, and a transversely isotropic medium with obliquely oriented fracturing. For both cases, the dependence of the limiting values of damage on the parameter of the degree of anisotropy is shown. It is shown that in the case of weak damage anisotropy, the potential convexity conditions for the scalar damage parameter give a minorant estimate of the maximum allowable damage for various types of stress-strain state. For obliquely oriented fracturing, the dependences of the maximum permissible damage on the degree of anisotropy, the angle of inclination and the type of stress-strain state are plotted.