지연 발현된 전위된 소아 상완골 외과 골절의 수술적 치료
계명대학교 의과대학 동산의료원 정형외과학교실Purpose: To determine whether late open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) of a lateral condylar fracture (LCF) after 3 weeks is possible, and to determine the latest time for ORIF without a bone graft. Materials and Methods: Eight children underwent late ORIF (>3 weeks) of a displaced LCF (>2.5 mm) of the humerus between 3 weeks and 5 weeks after injury. Results: Clinically, results were excellent in 6 cases and good in 2 cases. There was no serious complication, including nonunion and avascular necrosis (AVN), though 2 cases had a slight fishtail deformity and mild carrying angle loss due to overgrowth of the lateral condyle fragment. Conclusion: We believe that 3 weeks is too short to deny open reduction and anatomic reduction for fear of AVN of a late presented lateral condyle fracture of the humerus. The latest time for ORIF in late presented LCF in children is around 5 weeks, and surgical treatment may even be possible after greater delays.