Angiomyolipoma (AML) is a tumor closely related to lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM). Both entities are characterized by the proliferation of smooth muscle actin and melanocytic glycoprotein 100 (recognized by antibody HMB-45)epositive spindle-shaped and epithelioid cells. AML and LAM are etiologically linked to mutations in the tsc2 and tsc1 genes in the case of LAM. These genes encode the proteins tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC)-1 and TSC2, which are directly involved in suppressing the mechanistic target of rapamycin cell growth signaling pathway. Although significant progress has been made in characterizing and pharmacologically slowing the progression of AML and LAM with rapamycin, our understanding of their pathogenesis lacks an identified cell of origin. We used an AML-derived cell line to determine whether TSC2 restitution brings about the cell type from which AML arises. We found that AML cells express lymphatic endothelial cell markers consistent with lymphatic endothelial cell precursors in vivo and in vitro. Moreover, on TSC2 correction, AML cells mature into adult lymphatic endothelial cells and have functional attributes characteristic of this cell lineage, suggesting a lymphatic endothelial cell of origin for AML. These effects are dependent on TSC2-mediated mechanistic target of rapamycin inactivation. Finally, we demonstrate the in vitro effectiveness of norcantharidin, a lymphangiogenesis inhibitor, as a potential co-adjuvant therapy in the treatment of AML. (Am J Pathol 2016 http://dx