A detailed study of the first and second order Raman effect in CuCl is presented using either He-Ne or Ar-ion laser beam. The spectrum is observed a t room and liquid N, temperature. For the first time, at room temperature a pronounced polarization effect on the 65 cm-l line was observed when looked either at the r16 component of the spectrum or at the I?, and I ?, ones. I n the lower part of the Raman shift, the rI5 spectrum is the strongest, whereas the r,, I?,, contributions become more visible beyond 200 cm-' but weaker by an order of magnitude. Using recent neutron scattering data (slightly corrected for optical phonons) the major peaks are explained by superimposed lines rather than by isolated processes. The most parts of the features are well interpreted. The lines at 162 and 199 om-l are shown to have a similar temperature shift while the 123 om-l one behaves quite different . ce qui n'est pas le cas pour la raie 8. 123 cm-l.