DOI: 10.1002/jcu.21878
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Normal reference ranges of inferior vena cava doppler indices from 14 to 40 weeks of gestation

Abstract: Normal reference ranges of IVC Doppler indices for each gestational week from 14 to 40 weeks were constructed. This normative data may be a useful noninvasive tool in evaluation of fetal cardiac function.

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Cited by 11 publications
(9 citation statements)
References 9 publications
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“…The means (±SD) of all indices in both groups were significantly different (Student's t ‐test; p value <0.001). On the basis of normal reference ranges of IVC Doppler indices reported by Luewan et al ., the mean differences from normal mean of the IVC Doppler indices in the early group were significantly lower (Student's t ‐test; p value <0.001), whereas the mean differences of IVC Doppler indices in the late group were significantly higher (Student's t ‐test; p value <0.001) (Table ).…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 92%
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“…The means (±SD) of all indices in both groups were significantly different (Student's t ‐test; p value <0.001). On the basis of normal reference ranges of IVC Doppler indices reported by Luewan et al ., the mean differences from normal mean of the IVC Doppler indices in the early group were significantly lower (Student's t ‐test; p value <0.001), whereas the mean differences of IVC Doppler indices in the late group were significantly higher (Student's t ‐test; p value <0.001) (Table ).…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 92%
“…The preload index (PLI; a/S), the peak velocity for veins (PVIV; S‐a/D), and the pulsatility index for vein (PIV; S‐a/Tmax) were automatically calculated and recorded during the measurement. The IVC Doppler indices derived from this study were correlated to normal reference ranges of IVC Doppler indices constructed from our own population . The fetuses were categorized into two groups: early hydrops fetalis (gestational age of less than 28 weeks) and late hydrops fetalis (gestational age of 28 weeks or more).…”
Section: Methodsmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…According to the studies, the S and D waves increase with the progression of pregnancy, being justified by the fall of placental resistance and increased cardiac output, resulting in higher suction force in the inferior vena cava and greater increase in D and S waves with the growth of the fetus. [152930]…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Hemodynamic assessment was performed in all cases, including measurement of cardiac dimensions, shortening fraction, spectral Doppler in the heart (myocardial performance index), preload index in the IVC and the presence of venous pulsations in the UV. The reference values for evaluation of fetal hemodynamic status were based on our own published data . All ultrasound examinations were performed by the authors using real‐time equipment with 2D and 4D‐STIC, with transabdominal 2–4 MHz curvilinear transducers, equipped with Voluson E8 or Voluson 730 Expert (GE Medical Systems, Zipf, Austria).…”
Section: Methodsmentioning
confidence: 99%