We analyze a recent experiment of Sharon et al. (2003) on the coarsening, due to surface tension, of fractal viscous fingering patterns (FVFPs) grown in a radial Hele-Shaw cell. We argue that an unforced Hele-Shaw model, a natural model for that experiment, belongs to the same universality class as model B of phase ordering. Two series of numerical simulations with model B are performed, with the FVFPs grown in the experiment, and with Diffusion Limited Aggregates, as the initial conditions. We observed Lifshitz-Slyozov scaling t 1/3 at intermediate distances and very slow convergence to this scaling at small distances. Dynamic scale invariance breaks down at large distances.PACS numbers: 61.43. Hv, 64.75.+g, 47.54.+r Coarsening is an important paradigm of emergence of order from disorder. It has been extensively studied in two-phase systems quenched from a disordered state into a region of phase coexistence [1,2,3]. In another class of systems, disordered configurations are generated by an instability of growth in combination with noise, and they often exhibit long-range correlations and fractal geometry [4]. Examples include fractal clusters developing in the process of solidification from an under-cooled liquid [5], fractal clusters on a substrate grown by deposition [6] and fractal viscous fingering patterns (FVFPs) formed by the Saffman-Taylor instability in the radial Hele-Shaw cell [5]. When the driving stops, the fractal clusters coarsen by surface tension, and the coarsening dynamics provide a valuable characterization of these systems.An important simplifying factor in the analysis of coarsening dynamics is dynamic scale invariance (DSI): the presence of a single, time-dependent length scale L(t), so that a normalized pair correlation function C(r, t) depends, at long times, only on r/L(t). The coarsening length scale L(t) often exhibits a power law in time [3]. For systems with short-range correlations there is a lot of evidence, from experiments and numerical simulations, in favor of DSI [3]. For systems with long-range correlations the situation is more complicated. In the case of a non-conserved order parameter DSI was established in particle simulations following a quench from T = T c to T = 0 [7]. Implications of mass conservation in DSI were addressed more recently, in the context of coarsening of fractal clusters. Most remarkable of them is the predicted decrease of the cluster radius with time [8]. As of present, only the systems where the conservation law is imposed globally, rather than locally, have been found to indeed show this effect [9]. On the contrary, the "frozen" structure of fractal clusters at large distances, observed in simulations of locally conserved (diffusion-controlled) fractal coarsening [10,11,12,13] implies breakdown of DSI in these systems [11,13]. The frozen structure is due to Laplacian screening of transport at large distances [13].An additional scaling anomaly, observed in the numerical simulations of diffusion-controlled fractal coarsening [10,11,12,13], was the...