northern leopard frog transplants. Kim Morton (AFWD) and Julie Landry (ACA) participated in several of the 2004 and 2005 foot surveys. Kim also transported the live frogs to Saskatoon for analysis in 2005. Joel Nicholson (AFWD) provided information and guided us to the Bull Springs source pond in 2004. Len Lupyczuk (AFWD) provided information about the source pond in Medicine Hat in 2003. Randy Lee (ACA) provided initial liaison with local residents. Margo Pybus (AFWD) and Trent Bollinger (Canadian Cooperative Wildlife Health Centre) provided advice regarding appropriate procedures when the "bloated" frogs were observed in 2004 and 2005, and Trent Bollinger provided the analysis of affected frogs. Lyle Lester (AFWD) assisted with community relations. Finally, our acknowledgements would not be complete without providing a special thank you to Kris Kendell (ACA) for sharing his advice and expertise throughout this endeavor. vi The Magrath Northern Leopard Frog Reintroduction Project was established as a pilot project to test the effectiveness of local transplants using on-site rearing. It has successfully demonstrated that the technique is feasible, and provides a template for future northern leopard frog reintroduction projects.