“…Indeed, Zougmore et al (2018) suggest that "[…] without appropriate interventions, climate change and variability will affect agricultural yields, food security and add to the presently unacceptable levels of poverty in sub-Saharan Africa". Some papers analyse the impacts of climate change on agricultural production and yields (Lokonon et al, 2019;Serpantié et al, 2019;Sultan, Defrance, et al, 2019). Analyses regard different crops such as cassava (Egbebiyi, Crespo, et al, 2019;Egbebiyi, Lennard, et al, 2019;Jarvis et al, 2012;, maize (Kamali et al, 2018(Kamali et al, , 2019Nelimor et al, 2019;Parkes et al, 2018;Ugbaje et al, 2019), mango (Egbebiyi, Crespo, et al, 2019), millet (Egbebiyi, Crespo, et al, 2019 Sultan and Gaetani (2016) highlight that "a robust evidence of yield loss in West Africa emerges.…”