Novel Aluminide CePt 3-xAlx of the CeNi3 Type Structure, with 0.61 < x < 0.81. -CePt 2.27Al0.73 is prepared by repeated arc melting of the elements followed by annealing (evacuated quartz tubes, 700 C, 30 d). The compound crystallizes with the CeNi 3-type (space group P63/mmc, Z = 6, single crystal XRD) and has two crystallographic positions occupied with a mixture of Pt and Al atoms. The structure is further discussed in detail. CePt 3-xAlx possesses a homogeneity range of x = 0.61-0.81. -(MOROZOVA*, Y.; KURENBAEVA, Z.; DUNAEV, S.; MURASHOVA, E.; J. Alloys Compd. 647 (2015) 707-710, http://dx.