A fast discrete model for the simulations of thin charged jets produced during the electrospinning process is derived, based on an efficient implementation of the boundary element method for the computation of electrostatic interactions of the jet with itself and with the electrodes. Short-range electrostatic forces are evaluated with slender-body analytical approximations, whereas a hierarchical force evaluation algorithm is used for long-range interactions. Qualitative comparisons with experiments is discussed.
MotivationElectrospinning is a simple and relatively inexpensive mean of producing nanofibers by solidification of a polymer solution stretched by an electric field. Such fibers find applications in a variety of areas, including wound dressing [4], drug or gene delivery vehicles [19], biosensors [16], fuel cell membranes and electronics [15]. Recently electrospinning has been revitalized and successfully applied to the production of nanofibrous scaffolds for tissue-engineering processes [2], which constitute one of its most promising application.A conventional electrospinning setup consists of a spinneret with a metallic needle, a syringe pump, a high-voltage power supply and a grounded collector. A polymer solution is loaded into the syringe and driven through the needle at a steady and controllable feed rate by the pump, forming a droplet at the tip of the needle. A high voltage (typically up to 30 kV) is applied between the tip and a grounded collector. When the electric field strength overcomes the surface tension of the droplet an electrified liquid jet is formed. The jet is then elongated and whipped continuously by electrostatic repulsion (bending instability), describing a chaotic spiraling motion on its way to the collecting electrode. Although the process may appear