In this paper, we establish a graph imaging technique to manifest local stabilization within atomic systems of multiple levels. Specifically, we address the interrelation between local stabilization and image entropy. As an example, we consider the mutual interaction of two pair of pulses propagating in a double-Λ configuration. Thus, we have two different sets of two pulses that share the same shape and phase, initially. The first (second) set belongs to lower (upper) -Λ subsystems, respectively. The configuration of two pair of pulses is considered as a dynamical graph model with four nodes. The dynamic transition matrix describes the connectivity matrix in the static graph model. It is to be emphasized that the graph and its image have the same transition matrix. In particular, the graph model exposes the stabilization in terms of the singular-value decomposition of energies for the transition matrix, that is, irrespectively of the structure of the transition matrix. The image model of the graph displays the details of the matrix structure in terms of row and column probabilities. Therefore, it enables one to study conditional probabilities and mutual information inherent in the network of the graph. Furthermore, the graph imaging provides the main row/column contribution to the transition matrix in terms of image entropy. Our results show that image entropy exposes spatial dependence, which is irrelevant to graph entropy.