The diversity of Rieske dioxygenase genes and short-term temporal variability in the abundance of two selected dioxygenase gene sequences were examined in a naphthalene-rich, coal tar waste-contaminated subsurface study site. Using a previously published PCR-based approach (S. M. Ní Chadhain, R. S. Norman, K. V. Pesce, J. J. Kukor, and G. J. Zylstra, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 72:4078-4087, 2006) a broad suite of genes was detected, ranging from dioxygenase sequences associated with Rhodococcus and Sphingomonas to 32 previously uncharacterized Rieske gene sequence clone groups. The nag genes appeared frequently (20% of the total) in two groundwater monitoring wells characterized by low (ϳ10 2 ppb; ϳ1 M) ambient concentrations of naphthalene. A quantitative competitive PCR assay was used to show that abundances of nag genes (and archetypal nah genes) fluctuated substantially over a 9-month period. To contrast short-term variation with long-term community stability, in situ community gene expression (dioxygenase mRNA) and biodegradation potential (community metabolism of naphthalene in microcosms) were compared to measurements from 6 years earlier. cDNA sequences amplified from total RNA extracts revealed that nah-and nag-type genes were expressed in situ, corresponding well with structural gene abundances. Despite evidence for short-term (9-month) shifts in dioxygenase gene copy number, agreement in field gene expression (dioxygenase mRNA) and biodegradation potential was observed in comparisons to equivalent assays performed 6 years earlier. Thus, stability in community biodegradation characteristics at the hemidecadal time frame has been documented for these subsurface microbial communities.Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), derived from both natural and anthropogenic sources, are toxic pollutants formed during the incomplete combustion of organic matter (58). Phylogenetically and physiologically diverse microbial populations contribute to biodegradation of PAHs in soil, sediment, and groundwater (22, 52). The most widely studied bacterial degradation pathways for naphthalene, the simplest and most soluble PAH, and a model compound for PAH metabolism, are initiated by the catalytic activity of an evolutionarily conserved naphthalene dioxygenase (NDO) system (22, 52). The two primary NDO-mediated degradation pathways are distinguished by conversion of naphthalene, via salicylate, to either catechol (e.g., nah genes) or gentisate (e.g., nag genes [22]). Many bacteria harbor well-characterized NDO systems, including gram-negative species (e.g., Pseudomonas spp., nah genes; Burkholderia spp., phn genes; and Ralstonia and Comamonas spp., nag genes) and gram-positive species (e.g., Mycobacteria spp., nid genes; and Rhodococcus spp., nar genes) (22,44).A variety of culture-independent, biomarker-based approaches for characterizing microbial assemblages and their activity in naturally occurring communities have been applied in PAH-contaminated environments. Analyses have ranged from metagenomic libraries (62), flu...