Quantitative relation between photocatalytic activity and degree of#001#orientation for anatase TiO 2 thin films. We demonstrate a quantitative relation between exposed crystal surfaces and photocatalytic activity of nanocrystalline anatase TiO2. Thin films with controlled amount of <001> preferential orientation were prepared by reactive DC magnetron sputtering in Ar/O2 atmosphere with the partial O2 pressure as control parameter. The samples were characterized with X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy, from which the degree of preferential <001> orientation and exposed facets were determined by an extension of the March-Dollase model. Photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue dye shows that the photocatalytic reaction rate increases approximately with the square of the fraction of <001> oriented surfaces, with about eight times higher rate on the {001} surfaces, than on {101}, thus quantifying the effect of crystal facet abundancy on the photocatalytic activity of anatase TiO2.
Journal of Materials Chemistry
IntroductionThe chemical reactivity of TiO 2 is known to depend strongly on its surface structure and morphology. [1][2][3] In particular, the {001} surfaces of anatase TiO 2 have been shown to be associated with high reactivity. [4][5] Accordingly, a number of methods have been proposed to prepare chemically reactive TiO 2 materials, including e.g. laser ablation, 6 modification of surface acidity, 3 and hydrophilicity through chemical and mechano-chemical methods. 7 Recently, preparation of TiO 2 with controlled crystallographic properties, such as facet distribution and preferential orientation, has attracted considerable attention. [8][9][10][11] In particular, the study by Yang et al. of F -ion assisted shape-controlled synthesis of {001} exposed TiO 2 particles has spurred interest in this field.
12Normally anatase nanoparticles are dominated by low-energy {101} surface planes with only a fraction of {001} facets, typically about 10% of the total surface area. 13 It has been predicted that the {001} facets are much more reactive than the {101} facets due to their higher surface energy (0.9 J m -2 versus 0.44 J m -2 for {101}).14 Theoretical work has shown that water and other small molecules, such as methanol and formic acid, adsorb molecularly on {101} surfaces while dissociation is favoured on {001} surfaces. 4,5,15 Furthermore it was observed that the {001} and {101} surfaces exhibit selectivity towards oxidation and reduction reactions, respectively. 16,17 These observations suggest that it is possible to purposefully tailormake TiO 2 materials with improved reactivity. It is, however, challenging to experimentally prepare nanostructured TiO 2 with different facet distributions and quantify the facetcontrolled reactivity. Several studies have shown that reactive DC magnetron sputtering yields anatase TiO 2 films with preferential orientation along the <001> crystallographic direction. [18][19][20] Depending on the preparation conditions, this orienta...