In cervical spinal cord injured (SCI) patients, upper limbs strength is affected to a greater or lesser extent, producing dependence on the execution of ADLs. If the lesion is incomplete, the gait ability can be preserved. In this context, it is difficult to make a correct clinical diagnosis and the photogrammetry equipments constitute a tool of great value to determine with objectivity motor sequelae. The objective is to present the biomechanics methodology of upper and lower limbs applied to a case study. It is a 61year-old male patient who suffered an incomplete SCI of traumatic etiology that had previously suffered a traumatic brain injury. Through photogrammetry, the range of motion of the hip, knee and ankle joints were analyzed during the cycles of the gait and the shoulder, elbow and wrist joints, as well as a series of kinematic indices describing the ability and dexterity of the upper limb movement.
A very symmetrical gait pattern was obtained in both lower limbs. However, overall functionality and skill indices in both upper limbs present a high asymmetry between them. Biomechanical tools demonstrate aspects of motor control not easily visible with clinical tests and perfect diagnosis of complex cases.
ResumenEn los pacientes con lesión medular cervical (LMC) se ve comprometida en mayor o menor medida la fuerza de las extremidades superiores, lo que se traduce en dependencia para las AVDs. Si la lesión es incompleta, puede preservarse la capacidad de marcha. En este contexto, resulta difícil realizar un diagnóstico clínico correcto y los equipos de fotogrametría constituyen 49 Análisis biomecánico para confirmar el diagnóstico en neurorrehabilitación Esta obra está bajo una Licencia CreativeCommons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 EDITORIAL UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE VALÈNCIA