Editor's note:In the interest of continuing to provide you with relevant information you can use directly at the point of patient care, we are introducing Patient‐Oriented Evidence that Matters, or POEMs. InfoPOEMs, owned by John Wiley & Sons, which also publishes D&T, are designed to keep you informed through medical literature and evidence‐based medicine you can apply to your practice. Staff physicians at InfoPOEMs review more than 100 medical journals monthly, and select the best information you can use. They then summarize the study, creating a POEM. These are designed to be synopses, not complete abstracts—they present only the most important information. Each review is supported by a Level of Evidence (LOE) indicator, so you can discern how well this information is supported.POEMs have to meet three criteria:
They address a question that you face as clinicians.
They measure outcomes that you and your patients care about: symptoms, morbidity, quality of life, and mortality.
They have the potential to change the way you practice.
We have started with a collection of topics relevant to several aspects of renal care. We will continue to include at least one POEM in each issue. We look forward to your feedback on this newest addition to D&T, and whether we should increase this content.