In this article, two compact L‐type spurline and symmetric meander spurline resonators were designed and implemented into low phase‐noise microwave oscillators for X‐band application. These resonators have a bandstop characteristic that can be used in the series feedback oscillator topology. Both of these miniaturized resonators are designed with different spurline structures, the first one being an L‐type spurline and the other one a meander spurline. Both resonators exhibited inherently inductive characteristics and had a loaded stub with capacitive characteristics. The oscillators using the spurline and the symmetric meander spurline resonators show excellent phase‐noise performances of −96.23 dBc/Hz and −104.39 dBc at a 100 kHz offset from the carrier frequency of 9.2 and 9.0 GHz with an output power of 12.47 and 16.42 dBm, respectively. The latter oscillator exhibited better phase‐noise characteristics due to the high Q value of the symmetric meander spurline resonator. The figure of merit of the first oscillator achieved −174, and the latter achieved −181.36. The size of the oscillator is reduced by constructing a parallel combination of the open stub at the source and the DC voltage supply at the drain © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 54:171–176, 2012; View this article online at DOI 10.1002/mop.26461