We summarize recent progress in lattice studies of four-dimensional N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and present preliminary results from ongoing investigations. Our work is based on a construction that exactly preserves a single supersymmetry at non-zero lattice spacing, and we review a new procedure to regulate flat directions by modifying the moduli equations in a manner compatible with this supersymmetry. This procedure defines an improved lattice action that we have begun to use in numerical calculations. We discuss some highlights of these investigations, including the static potential and an update on the question of a possible sign problem in the lattice theory.In recent years there has been tremendous progress in lattice studies of fourdimensional N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills (SYM) theory, employing a lattice formulation that exactly preserves a single supercharge Q.1-5 Advances both in the scale of computations and in the algorithms employed 6 have provided the first ab initio numerical results to be confronted with perturbative and holographic predictions for quantities such as the static potential.7,8 At the same time this work has also led to improvements of the lattice construction, in particular the development of a new procedure to regulate flat directions in a manner compatible with the Q supersymmetry.9 Given the central role of N = 4 SYM in the AdS/CFT correspondence that relates it to quantum gravity, it is important to continue large-scale lattice investigations of the theory away from the regime of weak coupling and for arbitrary numbers of colors N . The recent progress, although significant, is only the beginning of this effort.In this proceedings we briefly review the latest developments and present some new preliminary results from ongoing lattice N = 4 SYM studies. We begin in the next section by summarizing the new procedure to regulate flat directions without breaking the exact Q supersymmetry. Numerical calculations using the resulting improved lattice action exhibit dramatically reduced violations of supersymmetric Ward identities and much more rapid approach to the continuum limit. We are now carrying out large-scale studies using this improved action. In Section 2 we revisit the static potential, checking that the improved action reproduces previous results. The improved action has also allowed us to gain new insight into the possible sign problem of lattice N = 4 SYM, which we present in Section 3. We conclude with some discussion of other work currently underway and some of the next steps in our wide-ranging investigations.arXiv:1508.00884v1 [hep-th]