Abstract-In this paper, Gysel type Unbalanced-to-Balanced (UTB) Power Divider (PD) with arbitrary power division is proposed. UTB PD is a five-port device, and a standard scattering matrix for a five-port PD with arbitrary power division is derived. Design equations are obtained analytically. Using design equations, a UTB PD is designed at 2 GHz for power division ratio of 1 : 2, and simulation is carried out using HFSS. A prototype is fabricated, and measurement is performed to verify the simulation results of PD. Measured results are in good agreement with the simulated ones. The proposed PD shows in-phase characteristic within ±5 • . Measurement results show that isolation between two output ports is greater than 20 dB. Greater than 20 dB common-mode suppression from input port to output balanced ports is achieved. Differential-mode power is divided in power division ratio of 1 : 2 from unbalanced port to balanced ports. Measured fractional bandwidth of the proposed PD is 21%.