paper details a sustainable process for synthesizing green
Si3N4 nanowires (NWs) from high volume fractions
of electronic waste (e-waste). Obsolete computers were manually dismantled,
and the glass fraction of the monitors (GCM) and their plastic shells
(PS) were separated and used as silica and carbon sources, respectively.
E-waste is the world’s fastest growing waste stream, and although
considerable research effort is currently focused on metals recovery,
there are few options for the huge volumes of glass and plastic waste
left behind. Using a blend of GCM and PS, we applied a novel route,
thermal nanowiring at 1550 °C under nitrogen purge in atmospheric
pressure. FE-SEM studies revealed the resulting Si3N4 NWs, with diameters of 75–250 nm, mostly appeared
to turn in random directions and exhibited twisted pattern along their
axes, indicating the Si3N4 crystalline grew
through a screw-dislocation-driven mechanism. In a comparison experiment,
waste toner powder with iron oxide (∼38 wt %) was added as
a source of Fe to the GCM-PS blend to enable the investigation of
its catalytic effect on the morphology of the Si3N4 synthesized. The addition of the toner powder resulted in
long Si3N4 nanobelts (up to 40 μm) with
traces of liquid droplets on their tips, indicating the Fe had promoted
the formation of the long and straight nanobelts via the vapor–liquid–solid
VLS mechanism. The novel route, thermal nanowiring described here,
confirms a new opportunity to transform a globally significant waste
burden into value-added 1D materials, thereby simultaneously delivering
economic and environmental benefits.