transport to the dendrites would result in inverted spatiotemporal dynamics from what we observed (Farris et al., 2014;Okuno et al., 2012).Summation of EPSPs during tetanic stimulation produces large NMDAR-mediated Ca signals and may, in principle, gate L-VGCCs localized to the apical dendrites or soma (Magee and Johnston, 1995;Marrion and Tavalin, 1998). To determine if one or both of these Ca sources are associated with synaptically-induced NPAS4, afferents in SR were stimulated in the presence of NMDAR or L-VGCC antagonists (CPP and Nim, respectively; Figure S1J).Blockade of NMDARs prevented NPAS4 induction in the dendrites and soma, whereas antagonism of L-VGCCs had no effect (Figure 1J). This result indicates that activation of NMDARs, but not L-VGCCs, accounts for both the dendritic and somatic NPAS4 protein induced by synaptic potentials. Thus, APs and EPSPs originating in SR engage distinct Ca sources to induce NPAS4 and result in NPAS4 expression patterns with unique spatiotemporal profiles along the somato-dendritic axis of the PN.NPAS4 protein has not been previously observed in the dendrites of PNs, thus we sought to determine if sensory experiences can induce dendritic NPAS4 in vivo. Mice (P21−28) were transferred from their home cage (HC) into an enriched environment (EE) for 5 minutes, and then returned to their HC (Figure 1K). At various time points after return to the HC (1−90 min), hippocampi were removed, fixed, sectioned and stained for NPAS4 and NeuN. In WT mice, NPAS4 protein was detected in SR 3−5 minutes after exposure to EE, followed by an increase in immunofluorescence in SP (Figure 1L, M), recapitulating our observations in acute slices.Deletion of Npas4 in excitatory neurons (Npas4 f/f :: Emx1 Cre ) eliminated the experiencedependent NPAS4 induction in SR and SP (Figure 1N), whereas Npas4 knockout in inhibitory neurons (Npas4 f/f :: GAD2 Cre ) had no impact (Figure 1O), indicating that dendritic and somatic NPAS4 protein is produced in PNs. Moreover, analysis of other hippocampal subregions revealed dendritically localized NPAS4 in CA3 PNs (Figure S2A−D) suggesting this expression profile may be a general feature of PNs. In dentate granule cells, NPAS4 protein was detected within minutes of return to the HC (Figure S2E−H) but was not clearly localized to dendrites, possibly due to their compact morphologies. Thus, immediately after novel sensory experiences NPAS4 protein is observed in the dendrites of PNs in vivo, reflecting increases in local synaptic transmission.