Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) carrying NPM1 mutations that cause aberrant cytoplasmic expression of nucleophosmin, 1,2 accounts for about one-third of de novo adult AML (50-60% of AML with normal karyotype), and shows distinctive biological and clinical features. 3 Until now, little information was available on the incidence of NPM1 mutations in therapyrelated AML (t-AML) or on the molecular and clinical characteristics of t-AML with mutated NPM1. 1,4-6 Thus, the first comprehensive study of t-MDS (t-myelodysplasia)/t-AML with mutated NPM1 reported by Andersen et al. 7 in this issue of the Journal is timely and remarkable.Andersen et al. 7 observed that NPM1 mutations occurred at lower frequency in t-AML than in de novo AML and were not related to any specific type of therapy. Notably, about 70% of the NPM1-positive t-MDS/t-AML had normal karyotype (an unusual finding in these cases, which generally show an abnormal karyotype) and none of them carried 7qÀ/À7, the most common abnormality in t-AML. 8 Finally, about half of t-MDS/t-AML with mutated NPM1 expressed the FLT3 internal tandem duplication.These findings are of great relevance since they indicate that t-AML with mutated NPM1 markedly differs cytogenetically and molecularly from other t-AML subtypes. Interestingly, normal karyotype and a high incidence of FLT3 internal tandem duplication are both distinctive features of NPM1-mutated AML with de novo origin. 1 The finding by Andersen et al. 7 that two t-AML with mutated NPM1 carried a ring chromosome 10 and a trisomy 8, respectively, is in keeping with the observation that about 14% of de novo AML with mutated NPM1 harbour chromosomal aberrations, which are thought to be secondary. 1 De novo AML with mutated NPM1 shows a distinct immunophenotype 1 and gene expression profile, 9-11 which is characterized by CD34 downregulation (at RNA and protein levels) and upregulation of most HOX genes. Unfortunately, Andersen et al. 7 were not able to provide any information on the HOX gene signature and CD34 protein expression in their cases. However, the few NPM1-mutated t-AML with normal karyotype so far investigated were usually negative for the CD34 molecule, 4 suggesting they may have the same immunophenotype (and possibly the same molecular signature) as NPM1-mutated AML arising de novo. 1 Future efforts are warranted to clarify this issue.Thus, although some information is still missing, the evidence strongly suggests that de novo and therapy-related NPM1-mutated AML share common biological features. This finding is hardly surprising since t-AML with other recurrent genetic abnormalities, such as t(15;17) inv(16) or t(8;21), usually show the same biological and clinical findings as de novo AML with the corresponding karyotypes. 12 Rather, it further supports the view that NPM1 mutation is a founder genetic alteration, which defines a distinct leukaemia entity. 3 The results from Andersen et al. 7 also raise the intriguing question of whether their t-AML cases with mutated NPM1 are truly secondary leukaemias indu...