The accurate evaluation of the nuclear reaction rates and
corresponding uncertainties is an essential requisite for a precise
determination of light nuclide primordial abundances. The recent
measurement of the D(p, γ)3He radiative capture cross
section by the LUNA collaboration, with its order 3% error,
represents an important step in improving the theoretical prediction
for Deuterium produced in the early universe. In view of this recent
result, we present in this paper a full analysis of its abundance,
which includes a new critical study of the impact of the other two
main processes for Deuterium burning, namely the deuteron-deuteron
transfer reactions, D(d, p)3H and D(d, n)3He. In particular,
emphasis is given to the statistical method of analysis of
experimental data, to a quantitative study of the theoretical
uncertainties, and a comparison with similar studies presented in
the recent literature. We then discuss the impact of our study on
the concordance of the primordial nucleosynthesis stage with the
Planck experiment results on the baryon density Ωbh2 and
the effective number of neutrino parameter Meff, as function of
the assumed value of the 4He mass fraction Yp. While after the
LUNA results, the value of Deuterium is quite precisely fixed, and
points to a value of the baryon density in excellent agreement with
the Planck result, a combined analysis also including Helium leads
to two possible scenarios with different predictions for
Ωbh2 and , depending on the value adopted for Yp
from astrophysical measurements. We argue that new results on the
systematics and mean value of Yp in metallicity poor environments
would be of great importance in assessing the overall concordance of
the standard cosmological model.