Measurements of sulphur isotopes in presolar grains can help to identify the astrophysical sites in which these grains were formed. A more precise thermonuclear rate of the 33 S(p, γ ) 34 Cl reaction is required, however, to assess the diagnostic ability of sulphur isotopic ratios. We have studied the 33 S( 3 He,d) 34 Cl proton-transfer reaction at 25 MeV using a high-resolution quadrupole-dipole-dipole-dipole magnetic spectrograph. Deuteron spectra were measured at ten scattering angles between 10 • and 55 • . Twentyfour levels in 34 Cl over E x = 4.6-5.9 MeV were observed, including three levels for the first time. Proton spectroscopic factors were extracted for the first time for levels above the 33 S + p threshold, spanning the energy range required for calculations of the thermonuclear 33 S(p, γ ) 34 Cl rate in classical nova explosions. We have determined a new 33 S(p, γ ) 34 Cl rate using a Monte Carlo method and have performed new hydrodynamic nova simulations to determine the impact on nova nucleosynthesis of remaining nuclear physics uncertainties in the reaction rate. We find that these uncertainties lead to a factor of ≤ 5 variation in the 33 S(p, γ ) 34 Cl rate over typical nova peak temperatures, and variation in the ejected nova yields of S-Ca isotopes by ≤ 20%. In particular, the predicted 32 S/ 33 S ratio is 110-130 for the nova model considered, compared to 110-440 with previous rate uncertainties. As recent type II supernova models predict ratios of 130-200, the 32 S/ 33 S ratio may be used to distinguish between grains of nova and supernova origin.